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首页>>行业资讯 >> 翻译时防止反复有助于沟通


作者:沈阳市翻译公司   发布时间: 2017/12/13 14:12:12


  假如一个句子中,相同的信息被提到两次或更屡次,在翻译的时分要尽可能防止反复表达。例如:"中华民族在漫长的历史开展中构成的独具特征的文化传统,深深影响了古代中国,也深深影响着当代中国。"翻译这句话时,为了防止反复,沈阳翻译公司能够用替代词"do"停止翻译,可译为:The distinct cultural tradition of the Chinese nation that developed in the long course of history has exerted a strong influence on contemporary China,just as it did on the ancient China。

  再比方,"乡村变革需求三年时间才干有结果,城市的变革则需求五年以至更长的时间,才干有结果:"It took three years for rural reform to show results and it will take five years even longer for urban reform to do so。

  假如汉语复句中的两个字句的意义是相对的,转机的,译成英语时,可用替代词vice versa,the other way round等短语来表达。例如:"为了推进中美关系的开展,中国需求进一步理解美国,美国也需求进一步理解中国。"译文:To promote the development of China-U.S. relations, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa。


  译文:We will develop philosophy and social sciences,promoting innovation in academic disciplines,academic viewpoints and research methods.We encourage people working in these fields to serve as a think tank for the cause of the Party and the people,and we will introduce related outstanding achievements and distinguished scholars to the world arena。


  译文:To regulate and standardize the market economic order,efforts shall be made in seeking both temporary and permanent solutions with focus on the latter。




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